Monday, November 27, 2017

Rules of Life

Rule 1: Don’t worry about what others think about you.
Be you. If you are a totally mean person who hates dogs, be that person. No. I'm totally kidding.
Don’t hate dogs. Anyways, be you. I like you. Not you pretending to be that guy/girl over there.
In the long run, it’s better to just be the person you were born to be.

Rule 2: Be a Unicorn.
In other words, even if no one believes is you, believe in yourself. If you always let everyone tell
you what you can and can’t do, and you listen, you will never get anywhere in life. You can’t let
everyone walk all over you. Don’t let others decide what you can and can’t do. Except for your
mom. Listen to your mom.

Rule 3: Staycations.
Take a break. I, personally, tend to put the weight of the world on my shoulders. I put way too
much stress on myself that I don’t need to. Just, breathe. It will all work out in the end.

Rule 4: Planners and personal notebooks.
They are a lifesaver. Put everything that you need to do in a list. When you’ve completed the
task, cross it off the list. It gives a sense of satisfaction, for some people at least. Plus, making a
list to remember things is better than finding out you have a 10-page essay due tomorrow when
you originally had a week to do it.

Rule 5: Get it Done Early.
It never hurts to get stuff done early. You will be less stressed about it and you won't have to
worry about it later.

Rule 6: Don’t call it a dream, call it a plan.
Make your dreams happen. Nothing is going to happen if you just sit at home all day doing
nothing. Dreams don’t happen until you put the effort into them.

Rule 7: Being random is potato.
Be weird. No one likes an overly serious person. Be random and silly. Life is more fun that way.
Don’t get me wrong. Sometimes, you need to act like the little professional that you are, but it’s
good to have a little fun in life.


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