Wednesday, October 11, 2017


by Louis Sachar
reviewed by Simone

Stanley Yelnats is put under a family curse caused by his no-good-rotten-pig-stealing great-great-grandfather Elya. This curse was put on for all of his descendents of the Yelnats family. Because of Elya, Stanley is put in Camp Green Lake. Camp Green Lake is a boys’ detention where young men such at Stanley build character by spending almost everyday digging holes that are exactly 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep.

Stanley realizes later after being at Camp Green Lake for about 5 weeks that the Warden is making the boys dig holes because she is trying to find something. But why is this special thing under a dried up lake? Stanley decides that himself and four other boys. ZigZag, Squid, Zero, and X-ray. Investigate and try to figure out what the Warden is trying to get, and why is it so important.

Holes is a very interesting book with mysteries coming out of every corner. Suspicion about character and what they’ve done to get to where they are now. This book gives a brief definition of mystery, temptation, crime, and redemption. Holes is a very good book to read if you're into trying to find out clues or trying to figure out an answer to anything. The strengths of this book is that it gives good vocabulary for its readers which are mainly Junior High and it helps the readers understand and imagine what's going on by the way the characters acts, and their way of life. But the book is goes off the road in the middle of the text and tells about earlier acts that lead onto what happens the next chapter, so if you're not into those kind of books do not read this one the book goes off to different scenes or different parts of the story and leads on to what is coming up next.

In my opinion this is an amazing book to read and I advise anyone who is into anything like this book to read it. Louis Sachar is a great author and has a great imagination. In conclusion my review over this book is that it's an amazing book and it’s really good to read it's really good for imagination or just thinking out of the box it's a very good book two think ahead of other things but that is my book review over the book Holes by Louis Sachar.

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