Monday, September 25, 2017

My Personal Manifesto

Rules I live by, and who I want to be.

My 5 life rules:

Even if people tell you that you aren’t beautiful, or that you are weird, embrace it. They don’t know enough about you to say that! Just be who you are.

If someone hurts you and makes you feel bad about yourself, don’t let them tear you down. You are who you are and they can’t change that! If they have a problem that, then they’re just gonna have to deal with it! If you don’t like what a restaurant is serving then they don’t have to eat it!

If you see someone being put down, be there for them. Stand up, be proud, fight for what YOU think is right! Don’t let them hurt someone else just because they don’t like them.

Don’t ever say you CAN’T do it, anyone can do it, YOU just WON’T. Try your hardest even if your hardest isn’t good enough! If you get a low grade or something, it isn’t the end of the world. If you tried you best, that’s what matters.

If someone makes you feel bad, or hurts you, just be kind even if they aren’t kind to you. Don’t be mean and stoop to the same level as them. Just smile and say “Thank you so much”, don’t let them see you sad or angry, cause then they’ll know it affected you.

Who do I want to be? What do I want people to think of me as?

 I want people to look up to me for help, advice etc. I want the world to know that I truly do care about what happens here. That I care about the environment that my sisters and I grow up in. I want to be someone who makes a difference by speaking up, and being a proud independent woman! I want to impact others life by giving them positive words, and telling them to take action! I know my standards are high, but this is what I truly want and care about. I want to make the world a better place, even just a little bit. I know world peace will probably not happen while I’m alive, but I still want to believe that it will. I want to change the world by just being ME.

Monday, September 18, 2017

NFL Dream

I am an young man in the 8th grade, that has the dream of someday getting drafted to a NFL team. Often people say that the possibilities of that happening are slim to none. I am very aware of how many boys in the world have the same goal in mind just as I do, but I believe that if I have the right level of confidence, humbleness, heart, and ambition then I should be good.

As of right now from where I am now to the NFL level, I have a very long journey to go. I want to make a good name for myself both on and off the field. So one day I will be eligible to go All American my high school senior year. I plan to graduate from either LaSalle, Moler, Colerain, Princeton, or Roger Bacon. Any of these high schools will give me good opportunities go to a Division One college.

The colleges I would like to attend to would be Ohio State University, Alabama, Louisiana State University, Stanford, and Clemson. Every college that I have just named ranks highest when it comes to excellence in football. I will stay 2-4 years at college just so I can have a good education and will know what I’m doing when I leave college and enter the real world.

If and when after I leave college and get drafted, it would be a dream come true. I would be able to get me and my family anything they want.Then I would help support the poor, homeless, and people in need. I would choose to do this because I care about those who can not help themselves and I want to be a good example to those who look up to me so I could show them the right things to do. I’d be able to give my Mom all kinds of things, because she’s been with me through the toughest, and the worst of times when no one was. She believed in me when I didn’t believe even believe in myself. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have the love for the game that I do now.

But most of all I will make a difference in the African- American community. Because as of right now we’re not in a good place to be. But most believe that if my plan goes right then I will make a change to our community for the better good.


Monday, September 11, 2017

Our Choices Manifesto

Life comes with a lot of choices. The choices often overwhelm us with their outcomes. The choice to express political views without consideration of people’s reactions and thoughts. The choice to support, or reject, diversity. There are so many choices that affect how we live and how we appear in relation to the ones around us. Our choices can affect people, including ourselves. The question is, will we be affected positively or negatively? I believe that our choices should have positive outcomes.

Often times, we are exposed to problems that require maturity to solve. It’s never a walk in a park when someone offends you or hurts a person you know, and it can even be hard to retain professionalism when wanting to state your feelings. However, I am sure that this act is possible for all of us, though the task is challenging. Remember to stand in their shoes. What you are going to say should not be anything you wouldn’t want to be said to you. Say how you feel in a way that gets your point across but doesn’t sound mean. Afterwards you will feel proud that you handled the situation professionally, and that you got your point across intelligently. You can deal with anything in a grown up way, and get the point across intelligently.

Everything we do comes with a price, so we should take action and be prepared. It feels good to have everything ready because it gives a sense of accomplishment. I believe that preparedness helps everyone around us. There is less stress, which makes is a little easier to get up in the morning. I want to be ready for what I need to do, so I can handle situations, both easy and hard. I want to have a plan for what I am going to do, and be able to adjust it if needed. I want to be prepared to handle what I'm told and how I work with it. I do more than have my materials out each day. I am ready and feel good about it.

Doing Good
We all can do good. We help our families adjust to the ever changing technology age. We offer help to others and adapt our our environments, but we can do more. I learn about our world, and explore diversity. I put energy into telling others that they are doing good, and how to do better. For example, I understand others’ problems and try to help them as much as I can. I am sure that in our present world, encouraging people to do good is happening, if we are willing to find and use it.

We are strong. We are ready. We are hopeful. We can. We all have times of seeing our past choices and wondering if we retained maturity, if we were prepared, and if we did good. There is no reason we can't start now. Life’s choices affect everything, but choosing something once doesn't mean it lasts forever.


What is my future?

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always dreamt of being a singer. When I was five years old, I always sang Destiny’s Child, Beyonce, Rihanna, and so on. Singing to me was like reliving all the stress and pain. My mom was a single mother for many years before she met my awesome step dad, and when ever I would sing she would say to me, “Your voice is like an angel from heaven.”

Since that day, I’ve always sung. I sing at churches, concerts, events; I even sang at my step mother’s concert in Tulsa, Oklahoma. About 6 years ago, I was in my first ever musical: “The Wiz." This was the most amazing time of my life making the whole production. I played the good witch Glinda played by Lena Horne. After we did our last performance, I got pulled over by someone who worked for Disney Channel! She wanted me to audition, but I wasn’t ready yet, so I didn’t take up the offer. After that, I decided that from then on, I was gonna prepare myself for auditioning for shows, so for 2017- 2018 I am going to try to audition for Disney.

I’m going to begin by contacting people who are over Disney Channel in Ohio, and I’m going to audition. I know it’s going to be a lot of work and time, but I feel as if I’m capable to take the responsibility of getting my work done for school and being an actress on Disney channel. I plan to work hard, get good grades, and do the best I can can to become the best I can be. That is who I wanna be.
